Seven Habits of Successful Students

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Seven Habits of Successful Students por Mind Map: Seven Habits of Successful Students

1. Talk to Professors. Students who talk to professors in the first six weeks of classes are more likely to stay in university.

2. Organization. There is no right way to be organized. Different people need different approaches

3. Strategic & Resourceful. Successful students have a habit of thinking about upcoming demands and taking advantage of available resources to prepare for them.

4. Balance. Your mother is right. Get sleep, exercise, eat properly, and spend time with people you care about and on your other interests. ?

5. Passion. The students in our study had found a major that was interesting and important to them. It's normal to not be sure about choosing a major area of study.

6. Seven Habits of Successful StudentsA few years ago, the Counselling Centre did a survey of the best students at the U of C. .

7. Social Support. Successful students are involved with other people. They spend time with their friends and put energy into their important relationships.