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Testing por Mind Map: Testing

1. Test types

1.1. functional testing

1.1.1. functional testing

1.1.2. interoperability testing

1.1.3. security and access control testing

1.2. non-functional testing

1.2.1. usability testing efficiency accuracy recall emotional response

1.2.2. localization testing

1.2.3. configuration testing

1.2.4. performance and load testing Load testing Volume Testing Stress Testing Stability/Reliability Testing

1.2.5. installation testing

1.2.6. UI/GUI

1.3. structural testing

1.4. change testing

1.4.1. Smoke Testing

1.4.2. Build Verification Test

1.4.3. Re-testing

1.4.4. Regression Testing

2. Test levels

2.1. unit testing

2.2. integration testing

2.2.1. bottom up integration

2.2.2. top down integration

2.2.3. "Big Bang" integration

2.3. system testing

2.3.1. requirements based

2.3.2. use case based

2.4. acceptance testing

2.4.1. alpha testing

2.4.2. beta testing

2.4.3. gamma testing

3. Test technics

3.1. Static methods

3.1.1. Reviewing

3.1.2. Static analysis

3.2. Dynamic methods

3.2.1. black box testing

3.2.2. white/glass box testing

3.2.3. grey box testing