Are you dressing your kids for Halloween- or for Instagram?

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Are you dressing your kids for Halloween- or for Instagram? por Mind Map: Are you dressing your kids for Halloween- or for Instagram?

1. posting a picture of your child on Instagram

1.1. getting a lot of positief DMs on these pictures

1.1.1. consequence a lot of parents become so called "Instagram Mom shark"

1.1.2. gives a kind of satisfaction

1.2. they want to post more pictures of their children on Instagram

1.2.1. some children has to say "no" to the parents

2. Halloween on Instagram

2.1. parents want to get the next level markers on Instagram

2.2. National Celebrity push it to the extreem

2.3. making costumes for Halloween is not the problem

2.3.1. you can show your creativity and share that with everyone