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Neurotransmitters por Mind Map: Neurotransmitters

1. Gamma-aminobutyric acid:binds to postsynaptic receptor sites, blocking the action of other neurotransmitters

2. Dopamine:plays a role in motor control

3. Epinephrine: regulates heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing and in the fight and flight response

4. Serotonin:has both excitatory and inhibitory effects of the nervous system

5. Reference: Rouse, M. H. (2020). Neuroanatomy for speech language pathology and audiology. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

6. Acetylcholine:rapid-fire neurotransmitter of the PNS neuromuscular junction causing muscles to contract

7. Glutamate: major excitatory chemical of synaptic activity in the CNS

8. Norepinephrine:modulates attention, sleep-wake cycle, and mood