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TVL HE-C por Mind Map: TVL HE-C

1. Inquires,Investigation & Immersion

1.1. The Martyr

1.2. Defense

1.3. Survey

1.4. Observation

2. Bible

2.1. The Desciples of God

2.2. Reflection about God

3. Work Immersion

3.1. On The Job-Training

3.2. Brgy. Clearance

3.3. Police Clearance

4. Earth Science

4.1. Astronomy

4.2. Chemistry

4.3. Atmospheric

5. Empowerment Technology

5.1. Blogger

5.2. Certificate

5.3. Name List

5.4. Typing Master

6. Entrepreneurship

6.1. Resources

6.2. Opportunity

6.3. Business

7. Physical Education & Health

7.1. Exercises

7.2. Lesson

7.3. Reporting

8. Tourism promotion NC II

8.1. Reporting

8.2. Discussion

8.3. Quizes