Who and what affects the child?

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Who and what affects the child? por Mind Map: Who and what affects the child?

1. School

1.1. School in the countryside

1.2. School in the city

1.3. Taking responsibility for own conduct

1.4. Multiculturalism

1.5. Peers

1.6. School board

1.7. Teacher

1.7.1. Subjective treatment

1.7.2. Shaping moral attitudes

1.7.3. Ensuring a sense of security

1.7.4. Patterns of conduct

1.8. Feelings

1.9. Career path

1.10. Culture

2. Mass media

2.1. Game

2.1.1. Time

2.1.2. Game type

2.2. Positives

2.2.1. The development of mental processes

2.2.2. Getting new skills in virtual reality

2.2.3. Positive changes in the emotional sphere child

2.2.4. Participation in culture

2.2.5. Learning positive behavior patterns

2.2.6. Communicating, communication between people

2.3. Negative

2.3.1. Cognitive anesthesia

2.3.2. Egocentric emotional reactions

2.3.3. sleep disorders, nightmares

3. Religion

4. Interests

5. Family

5.1. Social position of the family

5.2. Love

5.3. Solidarity

5.4. Sense of security and safety

5.5. Friends of family

5.6. Family types

5.6.1. Polygamous

5.6.2. Monogamous

5.6.3. Big modified family

5.6.4. Big family

5.6.5. The family is small

5.7. Style of upbringing

5.8. Order of birth

6. Health

6.1. Aaccess to medical care

7. Sex

8. Lifestyle