Kayris's TOK Essay: “The quality of knowledge is best measured by how many people accept it.”

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Kayris's TOK Essay: “The quality of knowledge is best measured by how many people accept it.” por Mind Map: Kayris's TOK Essay: “The quality of knowledge is best measured by how many people accept it.”

1. Keywords

1.1. Quality: something's value, based on a specific scale, to a given group as determined by an authority of that group

1.2. Knowledge: a fact or skill acquired through experience or education (basically PK/SK)

1.2.1. What is considered real education? You can teach incorrect things, which would not be considered fact but are perpetuated as knowledge just the same

2. Key Phrases

2.1. "quality of knowledge": contentious. How does one determine what is quality?

2.1.1. One must use a distinguishing eye when filtering shared knowledge

2.1.2. Can't just accept an idea for its being SK

2.2. "best measured"

2.2.1. Ignores subjectivity in determining best scale in context of a problem

2.3. "accept it"

2.3.1. What is acceptance?

2.3.2. How do we determine true belief? Acceptance can be faked

3. Rewrite

3.1. Looking at the number of people who place weight in a given understanding is the best method of ascertaining its legitimate worth.

4. Rewrite

4.1. One can determine how truthful, legitimate, and lasting an understanding is by seeing the number of well-informed individuals that support it from its birth.

4.1.1. Biology-Focused: A person can decide whether a fact is true and applicable to the real world by observing the number of qualified individuals that take it as truth.

4.1.2. History-Focused: One can glean a concept's truthfulness based on how many educated, quality, authoritative people believe in it.

5. Connections to Classes

5.1. Biology

5.1.1. Natural Sciences

5.1.2. RLE/PK Connections The Catholic Church vs. Copernicus and Galileo Faith vs. Reason+Sense Perception Historical Development/Methodology Darwinian evolution vs. Creationism Reason vs. Faith Historical Development/Scope and Apps

5.2. World History

5.2.1. History

5.2.2. RLE/PK Connections Antisemitism in Nazi Germany Sense Perception, Language, Faith Scope, PK, Terminology Van Gogh's posthumous recognition (his skill and talent were not really recognised until years after his prime) Sense Perception, Imagination Methodology, PK