Passion Quest Mobile Learning Game

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Passion Quest Mobile Learning Game por Mind Map: Passion Quest Mobile Learning Game

1. Level Three

1.1. What steps will I take?

1.1.1. Goalbook

1.1.2. Ability Suit

1.1.3. Personal Learning Plan

1.1.4. Personal Learning Network

1.2. What does success look like?

1.2.1. Ability Suit

1.2.2. Mentor

1.2.3. Tumblr Blog

1.3. Who can help me?

1.3.1. Mentor

1.3.2. Personal Learning Network

2. Level Four

2.1. How will I know I am successful?

2.1.1. Tumblr Blog

2.1.2. Ability Suit

2.2. What will be my value proposition?

2.2.1. Digital Journal

2.2.2. Tumblr Blog

2.2.3. Digital Portfolio

3. Rewards

3.1. Parents

3.1.1. Tokens

3.1.2. Vouchers

3.2. Companies

3.2.1. Vouchers

3.2.2. Prizes

4. Game Mechanics

4.1. PERMA

4.1.1. Content

4.2. Character upgrades

4.3. Reward effort

4.4. Reward success

4.5. Reward schedule

4.6. Provide frequent feedback

4.7. Measure progress

4.8. Peer motivation

4.9. Have a hook

4.10. Create and engage users in flow

4.11. Collecting and completing a set

4.12. Levels

4.13. Mastery

4.14. Purpose

4.15. Core values

4.16. Goals

4.17. Leaderboard-Points System

4.18. Missions

5. End

6. Start

6.1. Who is the user?

6.2. What motivates them?

6.3. Consider the balance between challenge and ability

6.4. 21st Century Skills

6.4.1. Creativity, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Communication and Collaboration.

6.5. Social Engagement Verbs

6.5.1. Competitive Verbs Win, Beat, Brag, Taunt, Challenge, Pass, Fight

6.5.2. Cooperative Verbs Join, Share, Help, Gift, Greet, Exchange, Trade

6.5.3. Exploration Verbs View, Read, Search, Collect, Complete, Curate

6.5.4. Expressive Verbs Choose, Customize, Layout, Design, Dressup, Showoff

6.6. In a good game, the mechanics guide you towards learning and mastery

7. Level One

7.1. What are my values?

7.1.1. Tumblr Blog

7.2. What is my purpose?

7.2.1. Tumblr Blog

7.2.2. Destiny Box

7.3. What are my passions?

7.3.1. Tumblr Blog

7.4. What is my mission?

7.4.1. Tumblr Blog

7.5. What is my vision?

7.5.1. Tumblr Blog

7.6. What is my identity?

7.6.1. Tumblr Blog

8. Level Two

8.1. What am I good at?

8.1.1. Ability Suit

8.1.2. Tumblr Blog

8.1.3. Skills Audit

8.1.4. Internet

8.2. What do I want to lean?

8.2.1. Personal Learning Plan

8.2.2. Tumblr Blog

8.2.3. Personal Learning Network

8.2.4. Goalbook

9. Badges-Awards

9.1. Collaborator

9.2. Photo-Audio-Videographer

9.2.1. Bonus 10 points for each

9.3. Communicator

9.4. Writer

9.5. Researcher

9.6. Questioner

9.7. Critical Thinker

9.8. Creator

9.8.1. Bonus 10 points for each

9.9. Visionary

9.10. Activator

9.11. Designer

9.11.1. Bonus 10 points for each

10. Tools

10.1. Question Bank

10.2. Camera/Video

10.3. Tumblr Blog

10.4. Ability Suit

10.5. Destiny Box

10.6. Sacred Object

10.7. Internet

10.8. Mentor

10.9. Project

10.10. Goalbook

10.11. Personal Pathway Plan

10.12. Personal Learning Plan

10.13. Personal Learning Network

10.14. Digital Portfolio

10.15. Digital Journal

10.16. Digital Profile

10.17. Skills Audit

10.18. Sanctuary

10.19. Clock