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1. Which insects have jobs?

1.1. Activity 1: Research with the educators which insects carry out daily. (literacy)

1.2. Activity 2: Group the insects talking about into flying and crawling categories, then count the amount recorded for both sides.(math)

1.3. Activity 3: Act out the movements of the insects that have jobs. (movement, physical)

1.4. Activity 4: Doing a “write the room” where the children walk around the classroom identifying and matching the job to the insect. (literacy, physical)

1.5. Activity 5: Discuss the life cycle of these insects, house some in the classroom for observations. (literacy ,science)

2. Wasps & Bees

2.1. Activity 1: introduce and differentiate between the two and labeling the differences. (literacy)

2.2. Activity 2: Create a honey comb as a large group using paint. (social-emotional when encouraging collaboration, creative)

2.3. Activity 3: Counting yellow pom poms on the painted honey comb while reciting a counting poem (math)

2.4. Activity 4: A Fine motor activity were children collect “nectar”. Using a dropper to collect coloured water which would represent the nectar. (math/measurement, science)

2.5. Activity 5: Taste honey and have a hands-on session making a honey pastry. (sensory,

3. Beetles

3.1. Activity 1: Discussing the different types and learning what each does. (literacy)

3.2. Activity 2: Nature walks with magnifying glasses to look for and take a closer look at the beetles found. (physical, social-emotional)

3.3. Activity 3: In taking a closer look at beetles, have an arts and craft area, creating what the different types look like.(creative)

3.4. Activity 4: Raising the larvae of one type of beetle that could be accessible from the pet store. (science, socio-emotional)

3.5. Activity 5: During the process have the children draw or describe what the beetle looks like, feels like to them. (literacy, cognitive, socio-emotional)

4. Planting/Growing Insect food

4.1. Activity 1: Reading books that talk about which plants different insects like eating. (literacy)

4.2. Activity 2: Grow a variety of different plants that some insects would eat in pots, allow the children to plant the seeds, water and care for the plants. (sensory, science, social-emotional when encouraging collaboration)

4.3. Activity 3: Observe the germination process of the plants keeping a visual documentation of the growth by way of a graph. Estimate who's they think would bud first and in how many days. (math, socio-emotional)

4.4. Activity 4: Go on a walk around the school compound to look for the plants mentioned in the book read, allow children to draw what they found on the nature walk. (physical, socio-emotional, creative)

4.5. Activity 5: Walking around the school yard, like detectives to observe the insects on the plants in their natural habitat. (Physical, science, social-emotional encouraging collaboration)

5. Butterfly & Moths

5.1. Activity 1: Read the very hungry caterpillar. (literacy)

5.2. Activity 2: Discuss the two types of caterpillars that turn into both a butterfly and a moth. (literacy)

5.3. Activity 3: House both types of caterpillars in the classroom for children to observe. (social-emotional, science)

5.4. Activity 4: Have an observation chart to monitor the daily progress of the chrysalis or cocoon. (science, math, literacy, socio-emotional)

5.5. Activity 5: Using coffee paper, food colouring and water allow the children to mix colours while creating a paper butterfly. (creative, literacy)