Why did the Great Crash have such a significant impact on the USA

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Why did the Great Crash have such a significant impact on the USA por Mind Map: Why did the Great Crash have such a significant impact on the USA

1. Socialist Party

1.1. the Socialist Party in America was born and grew dramatically between 1900 and 1912

1.2. socialism is the belief and the hope that by proper use of government power, men can be rescued from their helplessness in the wild cycling cruelty of depression and boom

2. William Foster and the Workers Party

2.1. William Foster ran for presidency in 1924, 1928, and 1932

2.2. wished the ultimate demise of communism

2.3. a major factor in the steel strike of 1919

2.4. originally a part of the Socialist Party before becoming a communist

3. Prohibition

3.1. banned alcohol from 1920-1933

3.2. increased organized crime

3.3. ratified by the 18th Amendment

3.4. repealed by the 21st Amendment

3.5. Temperance Movement

3.5.1. a social movement against the consumption of alcoholic beverages

4. Cultural Change

4.1. Women’s Suffrage

4.1.1. the right of women to vote in elections

4.2. Women in the workforce

4.3. 19th Amendment

4.3.1. prohibits the states and the federal government from denying the right to vote to citizens of the United States on the basis of sex

4.4. Jazz Music

5. Immigration

5.1. Immigration Act of 1924

5.1.1. strict limiting immigration system

5.2. only allowed 2% per nationality

5.3. shrank foreign population from 13.2% to 11.6% in a decade

6. The Economy

6.1. in the 1920s economy grew 42%

6.2. average income increases from 6,640$ to 8,016$

6.3. the economy changed from a traditional economy to free market economy

6.4. stock market was increasing by 20% per year

7. Social Liberation

7.1. Equal Rights for America Amendment 1923

7.2. Flappers

7.2.1. women who dressed in short skirts and had floppy hair

7.3. 1925 first women’s governor

7.4. 1928 women competed in the Olympics

8. Equality

8.1. Universal Negro Improvement Association

8.2. Detroit's population booms and economic prosperity increases

8.3. Harlem Renaissance

8.3.1. a period during the 1920s when African-American achievements in art, literature and music flourished

9. Unemployment

9.1. steep drop in consumer spending and industrial output

9.2. unemployment rose because companies couldn’t afford to pay them

9.3. taxes rose which decreased the spending power of the consumers

9.4. no unemployment insurance

9.5. reached 25% unemployment

9.6. suicide and depression rates increased

9.7. crime increased

10. Fall in Prices

10.1. half of all banks failed

10.2. international trade by 60%

10.3. overall prices fell 10% per year

10.4. economy shrank 50%

10.5. orphanages increased by 50%

11. Mass Migration

11.1. many white families during the 1930’s began moving West to California because of The Great Depression

11.2. roughly 300,000-400,000 people moved from the Midwest out to the western areas of the nation

11.3. they moved west looking for harvest jobs in California as the agricultural industry there was booming

12. Crime Rates

12.1. many turned to illegal activities such as bootlegging, robbing banks, loan-sharking, and murdering people

12.2. during the depression people were looking for jobs and joining organized crime was a way for them to support their families

12.3. In HollyWood these gangsters were depicted as heroes that helped people

13. Changing Family Life

13.1. life was tough for families during the depression

13.2. it was difficult to provide for your families

13.3. many people had to make sacrifices for their families including new jobs

14. Social/Cultural Effects

14.1. college rates dropped

14.2. malnutrition rates increased

14.3. people began to play board games and other small activities for entertainment because movies were too expensive

14.4. marriages were also decreasing

15. Changes in Political Ideas

15.1. the government increased relief spending

15.2. the government contributed to the crisis by laying off employees and making cuts to health care, education, and other social programs

15.3. by the end of 1933, the government owed $100 million

16. Prosperity

16.1. 1920s was a decade of unprecedented income

16.2. Henry Ford’s assembly line

16.2.1. first moving assembly line for the mass production of an entire automobile

16.3. Advertising becomes as important as the product

16.4. Consumers bought radios, cars, vacuums, beauty products, clothing, etc.

16.5. airplanes start to become used by civilians

17. Stock Market Crash

17.1. considered to be the worst economic event in the history of the world

17.2. began on Thursday, October 24, 1929

17.3. a sudden dramatic decline of stock prices across a significant cross-section of a stock market