British Columbia Inclusion in Education

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British Columbia Inclusion in Education por Mind Map: British Columbia Inclusion in Education

1. Inclusive education at all levels benefits students with special needs and their peers.

1.1. Inclusion is practised in all schools in the district at all ages.

1.2. Students teachers and all staff are trained in the appreciation and celebration of diversity.

1.3. BC curriculum includes celebration of diversity and promotes differentiation in lesson planning

2. Each student is unique and needs an individualized approach to education to meet his or her intellectual, physical, social, and emotional and career development goals.

2.1. Every student with special needs receives an individual IEP that is specific to them.

2.2. Curriculum supports differentiated and individual approach

2.3. Learning resource teacher allocated to all additional needs students to coordinate education

2.3.1. IEP meetings coordinated and held regularly

2.4. Alternative goals set for some students individual to their needs.

3. Parents are valuable contributing partners in the education system and their involvement enhances the effectiveness and accountability of the school system.

3.1. Parents are included in IEP meetings and planning

3.2. Active PAC groups

3.3. Parent surveys

3.4. Local community consultations for changes to school systems.

4. Students’ participation in all aspects of school life is vital to a rich education experience.

4.1. Considerations are made to ensure students with special needs experiences all aspects of the classroom. Example being adapted buses for school trips.

4.2. Teachers trained in special needs.

4.3. University program mandatory diversity/ special needs course

5. Students support services in district to support and teachers and students.

6. The public school system is the foundation for inclusive education.

6.1. School districts are provided support and training to encourage inclusion for all.

6.2. The practice of inclusion is not necessarily synonymous with full integration in regular classrooms, and goes beyond placement to include meaningful participation and the promotion of interaction with others.

6.3. New teachers trained in diversity

6.4. Teacher training compulsory includes diversity inclusion training and speakers

7. All students have the right to receive a public education in the regular classroom.

7.1. Equality for all is an underpinning value

7.2. Every student is listed and placed in a classroom with that teacher overseeing their supports. Some may spend time outside the room but that is seen as their class and they are included as such.

8. Parents have a responsibility to be involved in their child’s education and schools have the responsibility to encourage parental involvement.

8.1. Parents should be included in IEP planning and meetings.

8.2. Parent surveys

8.3. Reporting encouraged regularly throughout year

8.4. Freshgrade and online reporting tools used.

8.5. Report cards available for parents online

9. Transitions are more successful for students when formalised student-centered planning occurs.

9.1. Long range planning with supports and accommodations for any transitions are provided for all students. Grade 7 classes visit high school for example. There is an additional focus and support on any students who need additional supports transitions during IEP meetings.