English Review

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English Review por Mind Map: English Review

1. Ex: was I playing video game?

2. Simple Past

2.1. Sujeito + verbo + ed (Afirmativa)

2.2. Sujeito + didn't + verbo (Negativa)

2.3. Did + Sujeito + verbo (Interrogativa)

2.4. Ex: I worked with your father.

2.5. Ex: I didn't work with your father.

2.6. Ex: Did I work with your father?

3. Past Continuos

3.1. Sujeito + Verbo to be no passado + verbo + ing

3.2. Ex: I was playing video game.

3.3. Ex: I wasn't playing video game.

4. Future

4.1. Sujeito + will + verbo no infinitivo

4.2. Ex: You will be there.

4.3. Ex: you will not be there.

4.4. Ex: Will you be there?

4.5. Sujeito + verbo to be + going to + verbo no infinitivo

4.6. Ex: I'm going to buy a smartphone

4.7. Ex: I'm not going to buy a smartphone.

4.8. Ex: Am I going to buy a smartphone?

5. Simple Present

5.1. Sujeito + verbo no infinitivo

5.2. Ex: I like potato.

5.3. Ex: I don't like potato.

5.4. Ex: Do I like potato?

5.5. Se for She - He - It, o verbo fica com "S" no final, na negativa o "don't" vira "doesn't" e o verbo fica no infinitivo. E na interrogativa o "Do" vira "Does" e o verbo fica no infinitivo.

5.6. Ex: She likes potato.

5.7. Ex: She doesn't like potato.

5.8. Ex: Does she like potato?

6. Present Continuos

6.1. Sujeito + verbo to be + verbo + ing, na negativa coloca o "not" na frente do verbo to be e na interrogativa o verbo to be fica na frente do sujeito.

6.2. Ex: I'm working now.

6.3. Ex: I'm not working now.

6.4. Ex: am I working now?

7. Modal Verbs

7.1. Can - Habilidade/Permissão/Possibilidade

7.2. Could - Passado do Can

7.3. May - Permissão/Probabilidade

7.4. Might - Probabilidade

7.5. Should - Conselho

7.6. Must - Dever

7.7. Have to - "Dever"