The English eccentric

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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The English eccentric por Mind Map: The English eccentric

1. Race

1.1. Championship to Sheep Racing

1.2. Swamp Soccer world cup

1.3. Wife Carrying Races

2. clothing

2.1. cartoon about punk

2.2. History of the punk music in UK

2.2.1. Part1

2.2.2. Part2

2.3. English Dandy nowadays

2.4. And "the best example of English sartorial eccentricity" is ...

3. Traditional Food

3.1. breakfast

3.2. Lunch

3.3. Diner

4. Law and Life

4.1. The 10th most ridiculous British laws

4.2. crazy creation

4.3. Unusual traditions month by month

5. Literature

5.1. Comedy

5.2. Literature