e-Learning Affordance 5a: Collaborative Intelligence

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e-Learning Affordance 5a: Collaborative Intelligence por Mind Map: e-Learning Affordance 5a: Collaborative Intelligence

1. Students ability to collaborate using modern ICT

1.1. its one's capacity to use the social inheritance

2. Potential in collaboration

2.1. Using technology makes it more affordable and easier to use

3. The opposite of collaboration is individual intelligence, where the amout of knowledge shared is limited

4. When information is delivered through an e-learning platform, the presentations can be rewatched and reused, creating more collaboration opportunities regardless of location

5. getting and giving feedbacks help to motivate the new learners

6. Lev Vygotsky's Cognitive development Theory

6.1. Using a more knowledgeable other to reach the zone of proximal development

6.1.1. Here, collaboration can assist a learner in their ability to expand and it easily done with the use of technology