Japanese English speaking skill and English education

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Japanese English speaking skill and English education por Mind Map: Japanese English speaking skill and English education

1. improve teacher's working condition

2. some research about Japanese English (education)

2.1. by JACET, JALT

3. past situation

3.1. from Edo era

4. current situation

5. Japanese English level from the world perspective

5.1. EF (English Proficiency Index)

6. future prospect and improvement

6.1. abolish center exam

6.2. ALT teachers

7. educational system in junior high schools

7.1. teacher quality

7.1.1. English proficiency

7.2. unbalanced education

7.2.1. silent skills based studying

7.2.2. one-way translation

7.2.3. pronounciation

7.2.4. short of oppotunities to output

7.3. purpose

7.3.1. for exams/tests

7.4. ALT teachers

8. comparison to Asian countries (some tests scores, too)

8.1. time spending on studying

8.2. number of vocabularies

8.3. educational system