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Modal verbs por Mind Map: Modal verbs

1. Must and shall

1.1. Must

1.1.1. Vistors must not smoke

1.1.2. You must try this food. It´s excellent

1.2. Shall

1.2.1. It´s cold. shall I close the window?

1.2.2. Shall we go for a walk?

2. May and Might

2.1. May

2.1.1. I may be home late

2.1.2. may I come In?

2.2. Might

2.2.1. He might come to tomorrow

2.2.2. We might as well take friday off

3. Can and Could

3.1. Can

3.1.1. Can you play the piano?

3.1.2. She can sing very well

3.2. Could

3.2.1. I couldn´t sleep last night

3.2.2. Could you tell me the time please?

4. Will and Would

4.1. Will

4.1.1. Will you please shut the door?

4.1.2. I think it will rain on friday

4.2. Would

4.2.1. Would you like a cup of tea?

4.2.2. Would you mind closing the window. please

5. They are auxiliary verbs that provide additional and specific meaning to the main verb of the sentence