Cognitive Complexity

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Cognitive Complexity por Mind Map: Cognitive Complexity

1. Maxwell, Stobaugh, and Tassel's Learning Framework

1.1. This textbook describes cognitive complexity as “the level of critical thinking required for an instructional task, project, or assessment.”

1.2. The framework outlines 5 levels of cognitive complexity (knowing, practicing, investigating, integrating, and specializing) that align with Bloom's Taxonomy.

1.3. Bloom's Taxonomy

2. Prensky's Brain Gain

2.1. Young people today live in a world revolved around technology! Adults should not stifle this, but enhance it.

2.2. Prensky believes curriculum should be based on digital wisdom. His Uplift Curriculum revolves around effective thinking, action, relationships and accomplishment.

2.3. Teens, Technology, and Transformation

3. Zhao's World Class Learners

3.1. Zhao believes that students should be trained as entrepreneurs so they can create their own jobs and futures!

3.2. Zhao argues that we need to redefine the talents that are required for the work force and rethink education to recreate the middle class.

3.3. He explains that students should have personalized education experiences that implement product based learning and globalized campuses.

3.4. Student Entrepreneurship