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Korfball por Mind Map: Korfball

1. Digital Marketing

1.1. SMM(Social media marketing)

1.1.1. facebook content(text,pictures),design, target advertising,comunicaton promotion all events, workflow, creativities

1.1.2. instagram content(text,pictures),design, target advertising,comunicaton promotion all events, workflow, creativities

1.1.3. Youtube Video content(video creation and search optimiation in google),design, Adwords advertising,comunicaton Video about korfball history, role in the world, about our national team and person, for Crowdfunding campaign

1.2. SEO(Seach engine optimization)

1.2.1. Site: promotion and store googe Adwords advertising 1. Promotion korfball and Ukraine National Team, News 2.Store, where we can create korfball products(souvenir products, sports uniform. sport equipment ) and sale.

1.3. Advertising company

1.3.1. IDEA for all digital Ideas for video,colours,slogans, equipment(t-shirts)

2. PR

2.1. Press

2.1.1. newspaper articles

2.1.2. blogs articles

2.2. TV

2.2.1. TV show

2.2.2. Youtube show

2.2.3. News

2.3. "word of mouth marketing"

2.3.1. funny, strange stories

2.4. billboards with advertising campaign slogans

3. Events

3.1. Korfball developing

3.1.1. show games at every university

3.1.2. organize team building for IT companies

3.1.3. organize master classes for physical education teachers

3.1.4. organize master classes for child

3.2. Korfball promotion

3.2.1. events for promoting championships

3.2.2. street korf

4. Merchandising

5. Team

6. Federation

7. Sponsorship

7.1. Crowdfunding campaign

7.1.1. Money on Korfs for schools

7.1.2. ?

7.2. for training process:hall, equipment

7.3. to participate in tournaments

7.4. Bookmakers

7.5. Food sponsors(create events)