Safety Training for Newcomers and their Children 2019

ideas around safety training for Newcomers

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Safety Training for Newcomers and their Children 2019 por Mind Map: Safety Training for Newcomers and their Children 2019

1. In Class Modules

1.1. In class Module: Dressing for Winter

1.2. In class Module: Calling 911

1.3. In class Module: Scams

1.4. Internet Safety

2. Street Safety Training

2.1. Bike safety:

2.2. Walking with a stroller and a child

3. Presentations

3.1. Car seats Presentation?

3.2. Presentation: Police in Canada

3.2.1. Mosaic had a presentation but it was more for CLB 3 and up, we asked for the PPT but they did not want to share it....

3.2.2. Need to find a partner - develop a presentation for very low level?

4. First Aid Courses with Interpreters

4.1. studies in Sweden showed that short, very basic training sessions (1h) are more effective

4.2. Need to find a partner