Web 2.0 Tools in Classroom

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Web 2.0 Tools in Classroom por Mind Map: Web 2.0 Tools in Classroom

1. Formative Assessments

1.1. Quizizz

1.1.1. Quizzes that help students review for certain topics. Students can engage in the quizzes in the classroom, or even at home. A good assessment tool for teachers! www.quizizz.com

1.2. Vocabulary- Quizlet Live allows students to collaboratively learn and study vocabulary from a given unit. Individually they can study terms as well.

1.3. Literably

1.3.1. Students read a passage and gets a running record completed in minutes. The results are sent to the teacher directly. www.literably.com

1.4. Kahoot!

1.4.1. Create and share trivia quizzes. Students compete among one another and get points based on correct answers and how fast they choose an answer (this can be turned off). One of my favorite ways to review! www.kahoot.com

2. Presentation Makers

2.1. FlipGrid

2.1.1. Students can create videos and share them among the classroom page. www.flipgrid.com

2.2. Google Drive and Plus

2.2.1. Most districts give students their own email address. Using Google Drive is a great resource to store all of their documents and presentations that are either solely created or worked on collaboratively with peers. This resource also automatically saves the documents. Google Drive: Free Cloud Storage for Personal Use

2.3. Prezi

2.3.1. A presentation tool that allows students to create a cross between a mind map and Power Point to display their information. www.prezi.com

2.4. iMovie

2.4.1. This tool lets students combine videos and pictures together to create their own movie. This is a great resource to use to display a collage of pictures after a scavenger hunt. Another way I use this resource is creating movie trailers for book reports.

2.5. Book Creator

2.5.1. Book Creator is story making tool that allows students to combine characters and settings to develop their own story. This can also be brought to life in a hard back book. bookcreator.com

2.6. Powtoon

2.6.1. A tool used to create awesome videos and presentations. www.powtoon.com

3. Communication

3.1. Edmodo

3.1.1. A free tool that is similar to Google Classroom. Teachers can share messages, assignments, etc. This could also be used to communicate with parents. www.edmodo.com

3.2. Remind

3.2.1. I love this resource because this app creates a special number for both parties so that personal numbers are not given out. Messages pop up like text messages for quicker responses. www.remind.com

3.3. Twitter

3.3.1. Keep parents and community in the loop of what is going on in the classroom with special dates and activities in the classroom. www.twitter.com

3.4. Smore

3.4.1. A tool for creating quick and easy newsletters. www.smore.com

4. Social Media to build PLN

4.1. Twitter

4.1.1. Follow educators and other professionals all over the world to keep up-to-date about all things related to education. www.twitter.com

4.2. Facebook

4.2.1. Following different groups like Not So Wimpy Teachers with a given grade level helps be a communication tool among teachers for new ideas and sharing ideas that work or don't work well in the classroom. www.facebook.com

4.3. Pinterest

4.3.1. Search within Pinterest about classroom design, classroom management, activities, lessons, and more! Organize your findings by making boards related to your topics. www.pinterest.com

4.4. Instagram

4.4.1. Follow other educators and professionals and get inspiration through images. www.instagram.com

5. Augmented and Virtual Reality

5.1. Nearpod

5.1.1. Create your own presentation, or explore thousands that are already created. The presentations are interactive and can include lots of engaging pieces such as virtual field trips, polling, and drawing! www.nearpod.com

5.2. Google Expeditions

5.2.1. Students can explore the incredible world that lies outside the classroom while staying in the classroom! Virtual field trips are offered both through AR and VR tools Bring your lessons to life with Expeditions | Google for Education

5.3. Discovery TRVLR

5.3.1. This app/website offers VR Field trips and videos from around the world that offer experiences for the students to see what it is like in different countries and environments from the comfort of their own classroom. Discovery VR

6. Collaboration Tools

6.1. Google Classroom

6.1.1. Students can see assignments and interact through commenting on posts and turning in assignments through Google Forms. www.classroom.google.com

6.2. Evernote

6.2.1. Students or teachers can takes organized notes anywhere, and then share to collaborate. www.evernote.com

6.3. Skype

6.3.1. A free tool that allows students to communicate with another classroom in a different part of the world. www.skype.com

6.4. Padlet

6.4.1. Choose a template and add collaborators. You can see changes in real time. Great to use for a KWL chart. www.padlet.com

6.5. Dotstorming

6.5.1. Similar to Padlet, but allows participants to vote on which added content they like. www.dotstorming.com