Connections with a focus on Trauma-Informed Practice

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Connections with a focus on Trauma-Informed Practice por Mind Map: Connections with a focus on Trauma-Informed Practice

1. How do we connect our learners within the school?

2. How do we connect our students to teachers, with one another, and within the classroom as a whole?

3. Classroom Specific

3.1. Iris

3.2. Voice and Choice

3.3. Peer Collaboration

3.4. Talking Circles

3.5. Classroom Meetings

3.6. Inquiry in learning

3.7. Peer and Self Assessments

3.8. Learner Interests

3.9. Learner Needs

3.10. School Support Counsellors (SSC)

4. School-Wide

4.1. Activity Nights

4.2. Buddies (Reading, Math, Social/Emotional)

4.3. Spirit Events (i.e. Movie Days, PJ Days, Cobra Cup, etc).

4.4. Assemblies

4.5. Celebration of Learning

4.6. Psychologists

4.7. Family Support Liaisons (FSL)

4.8. School Support Counsellors (SSC)

5. Teacher/Colleagues

5.1. Collaboration

5.2. Mentorship Programs

5.3. OneDrive

5.4. Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)

5.5. Social Events

5.6. Student Teachers

5.7. Team Preps

5.8. Transfer of Work

5.9. Year-End Meetings

6. Experiential Learning

7. Place-Based Learning

8. How do we connect our families/caregivers to one another and the community?

9. How do we connect our students/learners to the community?

10. How do we, as teachers/educators/colleagues, connect with one another?

11. Community Connections

11.1. Classroom Champions

11.2. MAAST

11.3. Boys and Girls Club

11.4. Family Night

11.5. Field Trips

11.6. The Learning Adventure (Entrepreneurial Programs)

11.7. Social Media (Twitter)

11.8. News and Current Events

12. Family/Caregiver Based

12.1. Family/Activity Night

12.2. Daily Communication

12.3. Family Support Liaison (FSL)

12.4. Celebration of Learnings

12.5. Feasts and Barbecues

13. What tools support student connections?

13.1. iPads

13.2. Laptops

13.3. Social Media (Twitter)

13.4. Web-based Interactive Tools (i.e. Skype)

13.5. Google Classeoom

13.6. Assistive Technologies

13.7. Positive Reinforcement Tools

13.8. Relationships

13.9. Extrinsic and Intrinsic Reward Systems/Program

13.10. Visuals

14. Place-Based Learning

15. Experiential Learning

16. Interdisciplinary Learning