Chapter 2 Culture in foreign language learning -the implications for teachers and teacher training

Chapter 2 Culture in foreign language learning -the implications for teachers and teacher training

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Chapter 2 Culture in foreign language learning -the implications for teachers and teacher training por Mind Map: Chapter 2 Culture in foreign language learning -the implications for teachers and teacher training

1. teaching is therefore less important than learning,in the final analysis and that is probably

2. Intercultural competence and Intercultural comunicative competence

3. Refers

4. Intercultural competence IC

5. Ability to meet and engage succesfullywith people of another social group

6. Classroom with diversity and foreign language classrooms

7. They have learners from many origins and with many languages. teachers of foreign languages need intercultural combining the teaching of IC with teaching communicative competence, the foreign language teacher teaches ICC

8. -axioms and assumptions. -research on teachers in the cultural turn. -teacher educaion for teaching intercultural communicative competence. -native and non-native speaker teachers.

9. Rererences Byram M- Barret M-bEIZ-All port,G-Auckland university of technology 2011

10. Sensitivity and competence

11. Is necesary to be distinguished ,work by psychologist sometimes focuses on sensitivity

12. interculturalidad competence and pluriculural identities

13. reality is usually more complex

14. comunication and dialogue

15. is called communicative approach

16. some questions about it

17. what degree of ICC should be required of teachers as a minimum qualification for teaching ICC?

18. What pedagogical competences are nesary to teach ICC ?