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Bad presentation por Mind Map: Bad presentation

1. Instructional media

1.1. 1. The equipment is not ready to use.

1.2. 2. Boring and not variety to interest.

1.3. 3. Have too many letter

2. Place / atmosphere

2.1. 1. They talk loudly during the presentation.

2.2. 2. They do not respect the presenter.

2.3. 3. They play on one's phone during the presentation.

2.4. 4. They had interrupted the presenter during the presentation.

3. The audience

3.1. 1. Quite dark.

3.2. 2. The atmosphere is drowsy.

4. Presenter

4.1. 1. His presentation is not interesting.

4.2. 2. He read every single message while presenting.

4.3. 3. He has an incomparable knowledge with the topic.

4.4. 4. He has no interaction with the audience.

4.5. 5. He has a bad personality and not credible.

4.6. 6. He came late and prepared the presentation slowly.

4.7. 7. He lacks knowledge about equipment.

4.8. 8. He couldn’t get attention from the audience.

4.9. 9. He doesn’t respect the audience.

4.10. 10. He can’t think on his feet.