Benefits of magnets being used as a power source to store energy from nearby wind or solar farms ...

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Benefits of magnets being used as a power source to store energy from nearby wind or solar farms in Australia. por Mind Map: Benefits of magnets being used as a power source to store energy from nearby wind or solar farms in Australia.

1. Has the potential to help to solve power shortages, reduce intermittencies, and manage summertime peak load to improve the reliability of South Australia's electrical infrastructure.

2. It would improve response times on the worst days when demand was at its highest and the wind was not blowing and the sun was not shining.

3. Stops pollution to public airways

4. The same technology that can help stabilize the South Australian grid can also be used by homeowners to collect energy during the day so it is stored and made available day and night, providing uninterrupted power even if the grid goes down.

5. Does not cause any negative effect on the Ozone Layer

6. Uses both wind and solar as energy forms to draw from to sustain the battery packs

7. Brings technology into a modern era and transport thinking into the 21st century.

8. Being used as renewable energy source.

9. Provides uninterrupted power to customers and the community when required.