Changing Paradigms!

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Changing Paradigms! por Mind Map: Changing Paradigms!

1. old thinking of real intelligence?

1.1. deductive reasoning

1.2. knowledge of the classics

1.3. academic ability

1.3.1. academic

1.3.2. non academic

1.3.3. smart

1.3.4. non-smart

1.4. economic vs. intellectual

1.4.1. ADHD... plague or no? medication for being distracted endless amounts of technologies classes are boring outside stimulation coming at them from every angle All they are doing is focusing on things more important or interesting them doesn't allow for students to explore their creativity Different people have different interests that stimulate them

2. promote creativity

2.1. think differently about all objects

2.2. open minded

2.3. create original ideas that appeal to you

2.4. different possibilities

3. promote collaboration

3.1. multiple inputs

3.2. different opinions/viewpoints

3.3. allows for different outputs in work

3.4. communicate with one another

3.5. build relationships

3.6. use of 4 C's

3.7. expands learning and understaninding

3.8. leads to growth

3.9. group relationships

4. reformation of schools

4.1. Economic viewpoint

4.1.1. teaching students to be able to carry out and succeed in the future economy

4.2. Cultural viewpoint

4.2.1. maintain cultural traditions

4.2.2. understand your identity

4.2.3. pass it on

4.2.4. be able to teach others about it

4.2.5. respecting your culture but being aware that their are others and respecting that as well

5. Raising standards

5.1. require more creativity and diversity within lessons and curriculum

5.2. change expectations from what they've been forever

5.3. include personal values into all lessons

5.4. bring in new ideas, technologies and opportunities

6. personal experiences!

6.1. group work

6.1.1. allowed me to understand the work/article/lesson from multiple perspectives

6.1.2. allowed me to build relationships with my peers

6.1.3. allowed me to give or receive help from others without having to ask or disturb the teachers

6.1.4. promotes responsibility

6.2. views on adhd

6.2.1. they just think differently

6.2.2. stimulated by different things

6.2.3. more energy in them which leads to restlesness

6.2.4. active movers and thinkers

6.3. curriculum and standards

6.3.1. need to be raised.

6.3.2. every year i was in school, they expected the same things from me as from my sister who were in the grade 4 years and 2 years prior

6.3.3. no updating of assignments or work

6.3.4. not incorporating new technology into lessons

6.3.5. mindset of "what works , works, no need to update it" why change something that isn't broken?