Positive Impact for Social and Emotional Learning from Students Grades K-8

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Positive Impact for Social and Emotional Learning from Students Grades K-8 por Mind Map: Positive Impact for Social and Emotional Learning from Students Grades K-8

1. SEL Competencies

1.1. What are the skills?

2. What this article discusses

2.1. Summary of research from 317 studies that involved 324,303 participants

2.1.1. Programs completed during and after school

2.1.2. For universal school populations and students at risk to further develop emotional and behavioral disorders

3. Why Social Emotional Skills?

3.1. Preparing students for life success requires a broad, balanced education that both ensures their mastery of basic academic skills and also prepares them to become responsible adults

3.2. Research-based approaches that promote children’s social, emotional, and academic engagement and growth in the early years of school

3.3. SEL helps in reducing problem behaviors, promoting positive adjustment, and enhancing academic performance

4. Overview

4.1. effective during and after school for general ed and at risk youth; for racially and ethnically diverse students; across rural, suburban, and urban emvironments

4.2. Can be effectively implemented by school staff

4.3. Found increase in 11-17 percentile achievement points - academic benefit

5. Relevant Findings to Assist in our Planning

5.1. What information is pertinent in how we plan our instruction and what skills we select to teach?

6. Implementation

6.1. -Sequenced activities that lead in a coordinated and connected way to skill development; -Active forms of learning that enable young people to practice and master new skills; -Focused time spent developing one or more social and emotional skills; -Explicitly define and target specific skills.

6.2. Connect to teachers and parents/community

6.3. How can we share the lessons with parents and teachers?

6.4. How can we help students to see connections outside of the lesson context?

6.5. General student body

6.6. All improved in SEL skills, more positive attitudes, positive social behaviors, academic improved

6.7. Programs that followed four recommended training practices - SAFE

6.8. Early Identified Problems

6.9. Teachers just as effective or more effective than researchers

6.10. Percentile gains - 11 - 17 percentile point growth

6.11. Effective for all types of schools and student bodies