University time management

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University time management por Mind Map: University time management

1. Taking Action

1.1. By producing a plan, you have written the tasks that will allow you to achieve your goals.

1.2. There will be distractions but you can diminish the impact of distractions if you remember that the tasks listed on your plan lead you to goals you have chosen for yourself.

1.3. *The main thing is to do the very best you can to follow the plan and monitor your progress so that you can learn from your good and bad experiences along the way.

2. Time Shifting and Adjusting

2.1. It is important to know that you will need to make adjustments to your plans and your time management habits depending of the situation and problems that can be controllable or not.

2.1.1. Deal with the problems in a directly way and do not let problems inprevent you from achieving your goals.

3. Procrastination

3.1. *Here's one practical application. You might benefit from making a "one-item list": re-write the top item from your list at the top of a blank page and work the task to completion, then repeat.

3.2. Procrastination often emerges as a means of distancing oneself from stressful activities. People allocate more time to easier tasks instead of difficult tasks.

4. Motivation

4.1. Try working for a short time and see if you can "get into it." It is necessary that we be aware that when we are not motivated to do homework it is not because we are not motivated, we are but in doing other activities.

5. Getting Started

5.1. Getting started// start working is something that take time and sometimes is related to fear of poor results or negative evaluations that difficult the work.

5.2. You can subdivide the tasks and try to convince yourself to get started in order to finish early

6. Commuting

6.1. The challenge is to use that time for something productive. A useful example is to read on the bus or subway. Even 5 minutes and a couple of pages work out to hours and books. The key to commuting time is, simply, use it, no matter where.

7. Between Classes

7.1. When you have 1 or 2 hours between classes you can use that time to review your notes, read an article or you can do some homework.

7.2. Do not waste your time during your hours between classes and do something useful.

8. Line-ups

8.1. Something interesting that you can do while waiting in a line is carried around a book or some photocopied readings of your subjects, you can use your cellphone to read and review some of your notes or you can watch videos about specific topics of your major. Use your time wisely.


10. Nancy Leticia Tilit Tut

11. Lanny Lucia Paz Peraza

12. Fuente: University Time Management | Learning Skills Services

13. The time management cycle

13.1. One of your best options for time management systems is to begin using a cyclical system early in the academic year

13.2. The system begins with the process of goal setting to establish a context for managing time.

13.3. The next phase of the system involves tracking time and developing an awareness for where you spend your time.

13.4. The third phase of the cycle is plan making, and this could include making to-do lists

13.5. The fourth phase of the system is self-monitoring your action. Self monitoring involves paying attention to how well you are working your plan.

13.6. The final phase of the cycle is time shifting and adjusting in which you make corrections to the system before starting the cycle again at goal setting.

14. Goal setting

14.1. Having a list of different goals can be very helpful for your person because you can have the opportunity to accomplish the goals you have.

14.2. It is really important to establish and have in mind different terms of goals because establishing goals are very helpful in your dairy life or when you want to organize your ideas.

14.3. You do not need to worry about your goals because they are likely to change over time .

15. How Much Time is Enough?

15.1. You need to be able to know that the time you spend on task has some relationship to the quality of work you end up producing.

15.2. You need to take into consideration the time you use in your studies ( the hours you invest doing homwork or studying outside the university), you need to be able to manage the time of your work and do not forget to have time for yourself.

15.3. Using a planner can help you to organize your different activities dependig on your time and you can choose the hour of your activies. Also, keep in mind that will take time and patience to master the use of a planner.

16. Time Awareness and Time Tracking

16.1. It is very useful to use time tracking because is a way to know how you actually use your time.

16.2. Instead of writing things in that you are planning to do, time tracking is a process of writing down the things that you have already done and it is like making a schedule.

16.3. This type of tracking can highlight those good and bad things about habits as well as can help you as a self-monitoring.

17. Planning

17.1. A properly completed monthly planner will indicate upcoming busy periods, show whether there is room in the plan for new tasks, and help you assess whether you are on target to achieve your goals.

17.2. Write down the exam’s date, then think about how long each step of the task should take, and enter a series of interim deadlines for each step between the start of your preparation for the exam and the exam date itself

18. Sub-dividing Goals into Manageable Pieces

18.1. It is useful to decompose the goals into manageable steps or sub-goals.

18.2. This goal can be broken down into four sub-goals. Each sub-goal is the successful completion of one year of your program. These sub-goals can be further broken down into individual courses within each year.

18.3. Seeing these connections can help you monitor your own progress and detect whether you are on track or not.