Sociology: The Study of People and Groups in Society

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Sociology: The Study of People and Groups in Society por Mind Map: Sociology: The Study of People and Groups in Society

1. Human Behavior

1.1. Patterns

1.2. How it is shown

1.3. Regular

2. Human Relationships

2.1. Primary

2.2. Secondary

3. Social Stratisfaction

3.1. Social class

3.2. Gender

3.3. Ethnicity

3.4. Age

4. Culture

4.1. Language

4.2. Beliefs

4.3. Values

4.4. Norms

5. Social Interaction

5.1. Competition

5.2. Conflict

5.3. Cooperation

6. Groups

6.1. Organizations: sport clubs, pr neighborhood watch

6.2. Larger groups: ethnic, educational, health, religious

6.3. Small groups: dyads between two people