F.A.T CAT Video

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F.A.T CAT Video por Mind Map: F.A.T CAT Video

1. There is a difference between cognitive and associative task. An Associative task can be done in multiples at a time. You can be doing on thing such as driving your car while picking your kid up from school. As these are your associative task. A cognitive task on the other hand can only be done one at a time and no other task should be done or else this will disrupt the process.

2. One of the greatest gifts we can give our students is time. Time to allow them to process and figure things out on their own rather than just telling them the answer to an issue they may be having or solving a problem for them.

3. Our students need our support but they do not need us to hold their hand. Establishing a relationship with our students to an extent that they know they can come to us with any issues that they may have both in and out of the classroom. We are one of their biggest fans and we should keep it that way.

4. In some cases we can be our students biggest barriers by trying to shelter and do things for them as oppose to having our students figure things out on their own and possibly struggle a bit.

5. The simulations allowed for me as a future educator to get a sneak peak at what our students who have specific learning disabilities go through each day in the classroom. As this was very eye opening to the emotions that are going through our students heads while sitting in our classrooms. Teachers may often forget all of the emotions and thoughts that our students feel and we are so quick to make assumptions and judgements about students with disabilities that we never really take the time and think about what things are like from their perspective or how they may feel about a specific topics/ lesson or idea. The simulation was just a preview to what is to come with teaching students with learning disabilities in the future.

6. Things that I wish I had more of when completing the activities would have been - More Time to complete the activities. -A quiet place to -A buddy or a partner that could have helped me with some of the assignments

7. Response: Allow for verbal responses Allow for answers to be dictated to a scribe Allow the use of a tape recorder to capture responses Permit responses to be given via computer Permit answers to be recorded directly into test booklet

8. Timing: Allow frequent breaks Extend allotted time for a test Setting: Provide preferential seating Provide special lighting or acoustics Provide a space with minimal distractions Administer a test in small group setting Administer a test in private room or alternative test site Test Scheduling Administer a test in several timed sessions or over several days Allow subtests to be taken in a different order Administer a test at a specific time of day Other Provide special test preparation Provide on-task/focusing prompts Provide any reasonable accommodation that a student needs that does not fit under the existing categories

9. My reaction to this video was that regardless of if we have a student who has a learning disability in our class room or not teachers should be more focused on showcasing our students abilities rather than downplaying what they are actually capable of accomplishing. When we showcase a student for their true abilities we are shedding light on the things they are capable of doing rather than focusing on the things they are unable to do. As teachers we are our students number one support team, with that being said we are their for our students in everyway possible to give them the guidance they need to succeed.

10. Dr.Lavoie made a few good point towards students with learning disabilities having a longer processing time with each statement that is made towards them. Making sense as to why when a teacher calls on a student who may have a learning disability that it may take longer for them to respond as they are processing through each word and phrase that was said to them to decipher what it is exactly that they need to know in order to answer the question correctly.