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Client Needs por Mind Map: Client Needs

1. Problem Sloving needs

1.1. Needs Social Security Admin

1.2. Needs Help with drug relapsing

1.3. Needs program to reconnect with kid

2. Emotional needs

2.1. Needs Community mental health

2.2. Needs SAMHSA

2.3. Needs National Alliance on Mental Illness

3. Belief needs

3.1. Needs self empowerment classes

3.2. Needs help understanding Strength Based Approaches

3.3. Needs help with spirtual life and faith

4. Social or relationship needs

4.1. Needs Relationship therapy

4.2. Neds Self esteem training

4.3. Needs Family counseling

5. Health Needs (Physical health)

5.1. Needs Public health department

5.2. Needs Community health department

5.3. Needs Community Partners in Action

6. Educational needs

6.1. Needs Job training programs

6.2. Needs Empowerment training

6.3. Needs Pre-college classes