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Hurricanes por Mind Map: Hurricanes

1. Hurricane Dorian

1.1. tracking

1.1.1. wind speed

1.1.2. temperature

1.1.3. air pressure

1.1.4. storm speed

1.1.5. currents

2. Compass Orientation

2.1. North

2.1.1. North West

2.1.2. North East

2.2. South

2.2.1. South East

2.2.2. South West

2.3. East

2.4. West

2.5. Northerly Winds

2.6. Southerly Winds

2.7. Easterly Winds

2.8. Westerly Winds

3. Northern/Southern Hemisphere

3.1. Latitude/Longitude

3.2. 90°, 180°, 270°, 360°

3.3. Equator

4. Tracking and Prediction

4.1. Nautical MIles

4.2. Knots

4.3. Moves in counter clock wise motion

4.4. 'eye'- consists of cool weather

5. Storm Surge

5.1. tropical

5.2. extra- tropical

6. Questions

6.1. What is a hurricane?

6.2. Where do they come from? What are they made of?

6.3. What might cause the motion in Hurricanes?

6.4. What causes them to chage direction in motion?

6.5. Why do hurricanes slow down when moving over land? (Hurricane HArvey-Texas)