Human Resources

All information credited to Human Resource Management in Health Care L. Fleming Fallon Jr., Charles R. McConnell

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Human Resources por Mind Map: Human Resources

1. Employee training

1.1. Provide an orientation for new employees.

1.2. Every manager should take training extremely seriously, maybe even putting in a certain requirement for the employees.

1.3. Create a chart that documents the skills performed by each employee. This allows patients to be assessed on basic job requirements.

2. The Manager-Employee Relationship

2.1. Every manager is considered a coordinator of Human Resources.

2.2. The heterogenous work group is the idea that everyone brings a different work ethic to the table; therefore, the manager has to deal with various different types of employees.

2.3. Employee participation should be valued and promoted.

2.4. A people-centered manager handles most situations well.

2.5. Knowing that the manager is accessible and visible is comforting to the patients.

2.6. Managers that are seen as an upward orientation is viewed as separate from from the work group. Managers with a downward orientation are more respected by employees as an advocate.

2.7. A successful manager will maintain a one-on-one relationship with its employees.

2.8. Make each employee feel valued.

3. Position Descriptions

3.1. Position analysis begins by developing a base salary compensation program. Next, is job evaluating/rating the position.