Commercial feasibility of lignocellulose biodegradation: possibilities and challenges

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Commercial feasibility of lignocellulose biodegradation: possibilities and challenges por Mind Map: Commercial feasibility of lignocellulose biodegradation:  possibilities and challenges

1. Enzymes

1.1. LPMO

1.1.1. Spalter glucosidbinding (fremkommet af kondensationsreaktion med carbonhysrat)

1.2. CBHI

1.3. CBHII

1.4. Hydroglucosidase

2. LCW

2.1. Lignocelluliosic waste

3. Production problems

3.1. Enzymes are expensive

3.2. You need very specific enzymes and prodedures for a given type of LCW.

3.3. It's costly due to the many steps in the process

3.4. Overforbrug

4. Carbohydrates

4.1. Cellulose

4.1.1. Polymer af glucose

4.2. Hemicellulose

4.2.1. Blanding af polysakkarider Komplekse kulhydrater

4.3. Heteropolymer

4.3.1. Forskellige typer af monomerer (mindst to)

4.4. Lignocellulose

5. Biomasse

5.1. Biodegradation

5.2. Fermentable sugars

5.3. Biotransformation

6. Biofuel

6.1. Ethanol

6.2. 1. og 2. generation

6.3. Bæredygtighed

7. Fossile brændstoffer

7.1. Forurening

7.1.1. Udledning af drivhusgasser