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Science por Mind Map: Science

1. Labelling a flower

2. Funtion of flower structures

2.1. Petal

2.1.1. Brightly coloured.

2.2. Carpel

2.2.1. Seeds made here. Consists of stigma, style, ovary.

2.3. Filament

2.3.1. Supports and holds anther.

2.4. Reciprocal

2.4.1. Top part of stalks where flower attached.

2.5. Anther

2.5.1. Contain pollen.

2.6. Stigma

2.6.1. Supports stigma.

2.7. Ovary

2.7.1. Eggs stored, join with pollen.

2.8. Sepal

2.8.1. Special leaves form ring around bottom. Protect the buds.

2.9. Stament

2.9.1. Make pollen. Made up anther and filament.

2.10. Stem

2.10.1. Green stalk. Provides support.

3. Pollination

3.1. When pollen fail to the stigma.