The Impact of Michelangelo's Art - What can the Sistine Chapel teach us about the Renaissance?

Student mind map of the Sistine Chapel virtual field trip

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The Impact of Michelangelo's Art - What can the Sistine Chapel teach us about the Renaissance? por Mind Map: The Impact of Michelangelo's Art - What can the Sistine Chapel teach us about the Renaissance?

1. My impressions from the virtual field trip: Thoughts and feelings.

1.1. The room is huge

1.2. Overwhelming number of pictures

1.3. Taller than I expected it to be

2. Artistic Techniques Used

2.1. Michelangelo painted frescoes

2.1.1. Laid on his back on a scaffold

2.1.2. Had to paint on wet plaster before it dried

3. Religious Symbolism and Iconography

3.1. Religious figures look powerful

3.1.1. Muscles represent strength

3.1.2. Michelangelo wanted people to be scared of God again

3.1.3. Nudity = Humanism?

4. Critical Reception: What did people think at the time?

4.1. Some priests thought there was too much nudity

4.2. Michelangelo didn't like being criticized

5. Critical Reception: What do people think now?

5.1. Moving and beautiful

5.2. Really hard to restore it because of the materials used

5.2.1. Some people thought the ceiling was too bright, changed the original meaning.

6. Who commissioned the chapel? How was it paid for?

6.1. Popes paid for it

6.1.1. Julius II paid for the ceiling

6.1.2. Clement VII and Paul III later commissioned Last Judgement