Account Compromise 2020

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Account Compromise 2020 por Mind Map: Account Compromise 2020

1. Measurement

1.1. Metrics

1.1.1. Topline metrics

1.1.2. User Segmentation

1.1.3. Dataset improvements

1.2. Models

1.2.1. Improvements to the account compromise prediction model

2. Detection

2.1. Feature Improvements

2.2. Rule Improvements

3. Remediation

3.1. Stateful Login

3.1.1. Improved Prelogin challenges

4. Empowerment

4.1. Prevent

4.1.1. 2FA Multi U2F Push based 2fa 2FA wizard

4.2. Inform

4.2.1. Security Push notifications

4.3. Empower

4.3.1. VIT Security Experience

4.3.2. Account Security Center