What does it mean for an animal to be endangered and how can we stop this from happening?

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What does it mean for an animal to be endangered and how can we stop this from happening? por Mind Map: What does it mean for an animal to be endangered and how can we stop this  from happening?

1. How do animals benefit our environment?

2. Social Studies

2.1. When did animals start to become extinct?

2.2. Where are common places that animals become endangered?

2.3. I will have the students make a list of animals endangered in India, and in the Unted States.

3. Art

3.1. The students will draw a forest with 2 endangered species that they learned in the book.

3.2. Students will be able to tell the difference of what types of animals become endangered. For example) pets do not, wildlife does. They will draw these animals.

4. Science

4.1. Why is it important to protect endangered species?

4.2. What is the difference between critically endangered and endangered species?

5. Writing

5.1. The students will be able to use facts from the book about endangered species in their journals.

5.2. The students will write their opinion on poachers and/or hunters.

6. Reading

6.1. I will ask the students to name some fictional facts they learned from the book.

6.2. Can the students analyze the difference between what is real and what is fake?

6.3. I will read a fact sheet to the students about endangered species and they will help each other analyze what each fact means.