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LAW por Mind Map: LAW

1. Federal Accembly

1.1. State Duma

1.2. Federation Council

2. State Duma

2.1. Lower house

2.2. Majority

2.3. Deputies

3. Legislation

3.1. Regulate

3.2. Authorise

3.3. Proscribe

3.4. Provide funds

3.5. Sanction

3.6. Grant

3.7. Declare

3.8. Restrict

4. New law

4.1. Houses

4.2. Minister

4.3. Public

4.4. Individual

5. Stages

5.1. Formality

5.2. Debate

5.3. Committee

5.4. Consideration

5.5. Report

6. Readings

6.1. the first

6.2. the second

6.3. the third

7. Russian Federation

8. Great Britain

9. Federation Council

9.1. Upper House

9.2. then a half

9.3. Senators

10. Subcommittee

10.1. Accept

10.2. Amend

10.3. Reject

11. President

11.1. Agree

11.2. Veto

12. Bills sources

12.1. Congress

12.2. Constituents

12.3. State legislatures

12.4. President

13. Congress

13.1. the Senate

13.2. the House of Representatives

14. Bill

14.1. Stages

14.2. Houses

14.3. Royal accent

14.4. Act

15. The British Parliament

15.1. the monarch

15.2. the House of Lords

15.3. the House of Commons

16. United States of America