Learning and Teaching: (Task Two)

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Learning and Teaching: (Task Two) por Mind Map: Learning and Teaching: (Task Two)

1. Teaching approaches

1.1. ‘Play’ based learning curriculum: provide the basis of instructive learning, however, the most effective pedagogy combines both teaching and providing freely chosen instructive play activities (EPPE, 2004)

1.2. Observation, assessing, developmental milestones

1.3. Role: active-play and active approach. ‘Socio-dramatic role play helps children to gain insights into beliefs, desires and intentions of other agents’ (Goswami, 2015).

1.4. Investigative approach vs. Demonstrative approach

2. Parents' and pupils' views on role of teacher

2.1. Educators and educational settings should follow the legislation of United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), such as respect for the views of child (UNCRC, Article 12, 1989)

2.2. Some parents believe all learning is the responsibility of the teachers.

2.3. Some parents seek teachers as parental advisors.

2.4. Parents expect all teachers are professional and able to provide high-quality strategies and support for children.

2.5. The way pupils view teachers depends on teacher-child relationship, usually seeing teacher as helper.

3. Internal & External environment

3.1. Image of the child: (Woodrow, 1999; Holland, 2004)

3.2. Social categories: gender, class, culture and ethnicity

3.3. Religion and beliefs

3.4. The influence of culture diversity on education system and school curriculum (Fleer, 2006): Different countries has their own policy and curriculum and these shape teacher’s pedagogy.

4. Teacher's training

4.1. Risky play theory (Sandester, 2007): Risky play is related to the chance of getting hurt and the feeling of fear (Garvis, Phillipson & Clarke, 2018), which the opportunity of taking risks challenge children to reinforce their learning and developmental domains. For instance, enhancing children’s physical fitness and motor competence (Bjorklund & Pellegrini, 2000) and complex social competences include affiliation with peers, social signaling, good managing and dominance skills within the peer group (Flinn & Ward, 2005). Moreover, risk taking is likely to increase with age because of child characteristics (e.g., cognitive development, emotional regulation and psychobiological development) and social characteristics (e.g., parents, peers, environment) (Boyers, 2006).

4.2. Behavioural theory: Behaviour is learned and can also be unlearned (Skinner, 1953). Educators may develop a range of management strategies to reinforce appropriate behaviour through rewards or punishment, as well as provide children with verbal and non-verbal cues to bring out desirable behaviour.

4.3. Vygotsky’s ZPD (1978): is define as ‘the zone in which an individual is able to achieve more with assistance than he/she can manage alone (Wells, 2000). Educators and adults may scaffold children’s learning, however carefully concern of when to interfere children and how to use adult power wisely and functional.

4.4. Piaget’s Stages of cognitive development

4.5. Gardner’s Multiple intelligences

4.6. Bruner’s Spiral curriculum and scaffolding

4.7. Bloom’s Taxonomies areas of learning