Brigadiers Winter Guard Season Assessment and Evaluation

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Brigadiers Winter Guard Season Assessment and Evaluation por Mind Map: Brigadiers Winter Guard Season Assessment and Evaluation

1. Concerns

1.1. Practices missed due to illness

1.2. The level of competition within their class and ranking

1.3. Does budget and supply deficit play a role in the overall show design?

1.4. Support for equipment and props

2. Evaluation Questions

2.1. Use of staff for improvement of skills

2.2. Did the member ask for help from others when needed?

3. Evaluation Data

3.1. Video review of performances

3.2. Placements throughtout the season

3.3. Individual video postings from assignments throughout the week

3.4. Staff Observations

4. Assessment

4.1. Members ages 15-18

4.1.1. Can they perform all basic dance and equipment exercises without support?

4.2. Members ages 16+

5. Badges

5.1. Did they earn a medal for their class or grouping at world championships?

5.2. Did they have errors during performance?