Language Change

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Language Change por Mind Map: Language Change

1. How Do We Study Language Change?

1.1. Apparent-time studies of languange change

1.2. language change in real time

2. Reasons for Language Change

2.1. social

2.1.1. lower working class

2.1.2. upper working class

2.1.3. lower middle class

2.1.4. upper middle class

2.2. gender

2.2.1. men

2.2.2. women

2.3. ethnic

2.3.1. Substrate

2.3.2. Adstrate

3. From group to group

4. formal language

5. koines and koineisation

6. Variation and Change

6.1. post vocalic (r)-its spread and its status

6.1.1. post vocalic [r]

6.1.2. the spreading

6.1.3. the status

6.2. the spread of vernacular form

6.2.1. vernacular language

6.2.2. the spreading

7. How Do Changes Spread?

7.1. from style to style

7.1.1. informal language (casual)

7.2. from word to word