Driving Dilemma

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Driving Dilemma por Mind Map: Driving Dilemma

1. The Situation

1.1. Stakeholders

1.1.1. Monique

1.1.2. Marcus

1.1.3. Other OT's

1.1.4. Civilians

1.1.5. Marcus' friends and family

2. Courses of Action

2.1. Option One: Keep things as they are

2.1.1. Positive Outcomes

2.1.2. Negative Outcomes

2.2. Option Two: Discuss with Marcus

2.2.1. Positive Outcome

2.2.2. Negative Outcomes

2.3. Option Three: Consult the CDRS

2.3.1. Positive Outcomes

2.3.2. Negative Outcomes

2.4. Option Four: Report the situation to others

2.4.1. Positive Outcomes

2.4.2. Negative Outcomes

3. Chosen Course of Action

3.1. Core Values

3.1.1. Altruism

3.1.2. Dignity

3.2. Ethical Principles

3.2.1. Justice 4A : Respond to requests 4L : Collaboration

3.2.2. Autonomy 3A : Respect the client's wishes 3B : Discuss outcomes

4. Thank you!