The look of a new mental health system

Current issues in Mental Health essay ideas

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The look of a new mental health system por Mind Map: The look of  a new mental health system

1. Discussing the make up of current mental health system

1.1. What is offered?

1.2. Who is involved?

2. The look of the new mental health system

2.1. What does it offer?

2.2. Who is involved?

3. Comparison of the two systems

3.1. Strengths of Old

3.2. Strengths of New

3.3. Weaknesses of New

3.4. Weaknesses of Old

3.5. Similarities

4. Implementation of the new system

4.1. What needs to be achieved

4.2. How will it be accomplished?

4.3. Who is invovled?

4.4. Risks/ Obstacles