The constitution conversation of 1787

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The constitution conversation of 1787 por Mind Map: The constitution conversation of 1787

1. The articles of confederation

1.1. The articles originally failed because it presented a fear of a strong central government.

1.2. Originally the articles of confederation gave the states all the power.

2. Bill of rights

2.1. The first ten amendments gave us unalienable rights and rights to assemble in a groups and worship

2.2. Gave the jurisdiction and limited power the government can do of government

3. Virginia plan-Large states

3.1. Virginia wanted a bicarmel type of government

3.2. Have as many representatives depending on the population

4. Connecticut plan

4.1. Was a mixture of new jersey and Virginia plan

4.2. Have a bicarmel government

5. BY:Matthew Balderas

6. 3/5th compromise

6.1. Slaves were considered 3/5th of a human

6.2. Southern states wanted to count slaves as a population to get more representatives and did not favored them in the sake of taxation.

6.3. Northern states opposed counting slaves as a population but wanted them for the taxation parts.

7. Federalism

7.1. Federalist were a group that believed that the Articles of Confederation were inadequate to serve the needs of the country and a new government .

7.2. Anti-Federalist thought because people wanted a stronger government that it would affect the states power.

8. New Jersey-Small State

8.1. New Jersey wanted a unicameral government

8.2. Every state has 2 repesentives