Behavioral Aspects of Cybersecurity

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Behavioral Aspects of Cybersecurity por Mind Map: Behavioral Aspects of Cybersecurity

1. Behavioral Cybersecurity

1.1. Offenders, targets, defenders

1.2. Motives, influences

1.3. Crime theories

2. Hackers’ techniques

2.1. Dictionary Attack to crack passwords

2.2. SQL injection to crack databases

2.3. Cross Site Scripting is an attack vector injection

2.4. Phishing

2.5. Keylogger

3. Insider

3.1. Unintentional Human Error( lack of skill )

3.2. Intentional Human Error (knowledge of potent risks)

3.3. Malicious Human Error ( intentional damaging)

4. Cyber Threaths:

4.1. Loss of Confidentiality

4.2. Loss of Integrity

4.3. Loss of Availability

4.4. Combined Loss

5. Human Factors

5.1. Human Error

5.2. Enviornment

5.3. Dirty Dozen

5.4. Technological Impact