Work Breakdown Structure

WBS d'un projet

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Work Breakdown Structure por Mind Map: Work Breakdown Structure

1. UIR Approval

1.1. Business plan reduction

1.2. Submission of the business plan to the UIR Presidency

1.3. Appointment booking to discuss details

1.4. Receiving the approval

2. Project Management

2.1. Team members nomination

2.2. Budject setting

2.3. Project scheduling

2.4. Planning establishment

3. Procurement

3.1. Products and meals supplierss

3.1.1. Determining the principal suppliers

3.1.2. Contact suppliers to discuss price

3.1.3. Order the necessary products and meals for the procurement

4. Project pre-launch

4.1. advertising compaign

4.2. Ask for product and meals certification of quality by a recognized organization

5. Placement of the vending machine network

5.1. choose the convenient buildings for placing vending machines

5.2. Site the vending machines network in the buildings

5.3. Placing products and meals in the vending machines

6. Equipement

6.1. Vending machines suppliers

6.1.1. Determining the principal supplier

6.1.2. Discuss the price of the wanted number of vending machines

6.1.3. Receive order of vending machines

6.1.4. Making sure of the placed vending machines

6.2. Vehicles for aliment procurement