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ADDIE por Mind Map: ADDIE

1. Revise for next training, include feedback from audience

2. Utilize feeback to present more effectively

3. Develop = Content

3.1. Decide which media/ software to utilize

3.2. Create Content

4. Implement = Present

4.1. Practice

4.2. Include feedback from practice

4.3. Revise content from practice

4.4. Present to audience

5. Evaluate = Post Mortem

5.1. Feedback from participants

5.2. Include content to make it more valuable for participants

6. Analysis = Needs Analysis

6.1. Assess Audience needs

6.2. Assess goals of training

6.3. Assess goals of Organization

6.4. Assess gaps in learning

7. Design = Outline

7.1. Outline based on overall goals for training

7.2. Create content

7.3. Include examples, stories, experiential exercises, case studies

7.4. Include video clips

7.5. Outline main takeaways from each section