What factors in Instructional Design improve online course completion rates in Secondary Educatio...

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What factors in Instructional Design improve online course completion rates in Secondary Education (Grades 7-12)? por Mind Map: What factors in Instructional Design improve online course completion rates in Secondary Education (Grades 7-12)?

1. Course Content

1.1. Ease of navigation

1.2. Interactive

1.3. Length of content pages and assignments

1.4. Differentiated Instruction

1.5. Badges - motivation

1.6. Integrated (unstructured) vs content supported

1.7. Alignment of content with evaluation

1.8. Hands on

1.8.1. Virtual Labs

2. Supports for students

2.1. Mental Health

2.2. Academic

2.2.1. Mastery Paths More instruction if required Allow those who demonstrate understanding to move more quickly

2.2.2. Time Managment

2.3. Technology

2.3.1. Prereq courses on using LMS

3. Perceptions about Online Learning

3.1. Easier than traditional classroom

3.2. Less work than traditional classroom

4. Understanding what type of student is choosing online learning

4.1. Home educators

4.1.1. Provides content they can use at home

4.2. Mental Health Issues

4.2.1. Anxiety Makes being in traditional classroom difficult

4.2.2. Social skils

4.3. Athletes/Families travelling

4.3.1. Need flexibility

4.4. Cannot fit course into school schedule

5. Creating Meaningful Engagment/Connections

5.1. Teacher to student

5.1.1. Weekly personalized informal videos

5.1.2. Meeting face to face through Hangouts/Skype

5.2. Student to student

5.2.1. Discussions/Forums within course Challenge with Asynchronous enrollment May be difficult for those with anxiety

5.2.2. Group projects

5.3. Teacher to parents

5.3.1. Weekly/monthly updates

6. Teacher Experience

6.1. Online teaching tools

6.2. Course content