Business Law In Malaysia

Business law in Malaysia

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Business Law In Malaysia por Mind Map: Business Law In Malaysia

1. Legal Systems

1.1. Common Law

1.2. Civil Law

1.3. Syariah Law

2. Common Law

2.1. Case Law

2.1.1. Principles of common law

2.1.2. Rules of equity

2.2. Legislation

3. Origin

3.1. Traced to Norman Conquest

3.2. Battle of Hastings in 1066

4. Sources of law in Malaysia

4.1. Federal Consitution

4.2. English common law

4.3. Rules of equity

4.4. Customary law

4.5. Muslim law

4.6. Federal & State law

4.7. Subordinate legislation

5. Judge made law

5.1. Applied in later cases involving similar facts using stare decisis

5.2. May be overriden by legislation

6. Separation of powers

6.1. Legislative

6.1.1. Makes law

6.2. Executive

6.2.1. Implements law

6.3. Judicial

6.3.1. Interpret law

7. Statutory

7.1. Interpretation

7.1.1. Literal approach

7.1.2. Purposive approach

7.2. Construction

7.2.1. Mischief approach

7.2.2. Purposive approach

8. Alternative Dispute Resolution

8.1. Negotiation

8.2. Mediation

8.3. Conciliation

8.4. Arbitration

9. Sources of legal business risk

9.1. Employee

9.1.1. Wrongful dismissal

9.1.2. Harassment

9.1.3. Occupational safety

9.2. Consumer

9.2.1. Product defect

9.2.2. Service failing

9.3. Business Customers

9.3.1. Failure to meet requirement of contract

9.4. Regulatory Authorities

9.4.1. Failure to comply

9.5. Competitiors

9.5.1. Infringement of intellectual property

9.6. Others

9.6.1. Abuse suppliers

9.6.2. Avoid CSR