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Ellen Ash por Mind Map: Ellen Ash

1. Ellen writes that "He [RHA] shall not be picked by vultures"

1.1. Ellen burns several of RHA's letters after his death

2. Ellen knows that others will try to learn all they can about her and her husband's life

3. While reading "Fairy Melusina" Ellen discusses her desire to be a Poet and a Poem

3.1. This passage shows some of the first hints that Ellen was not as happy as believed in her marriage, but does not outwardly say it

4. Ellen buries Christabel's letter with her husband

4.1. The reader now knows full well that she was aware of the affair, but still she does not wish people to know of it

5. Ellen crosses out the phrase "despite all" in her journal

5.1. More rumblings of problems in her marriage

6. Blanche Glover visits Ellen

6.1. Blanche visits Ellen, who only refers to her as "my importunate visitor", makes no mention of what they discussed, but it can be assumed that she now knows about the affair

7. The narration reveals that Ellen found no enjoyment in sex

7.1. A possible reason or motivation as to why she does not discuss her knowledge of the affair. Ellen still loves her husband, despite everything

8. Professor Bengtsson tells Beatrice to study the wives of great authors

8.1. Shows that he does not believe Ellen is worth of much thought

9. Beatrice comes to believe that Ellen wrote the journal to "baffle"

9.1. Begins to bring in the question of what Ellen kept out her journal

10. Maud begins to see what Beatrice means, saying she is unable to get a clear picture of what Ellen was like